Legal Documents Required in Building a House in the Philippines

Legal Documents Required in Building a House in the Philippines

Legal documents are valuable proof of the authenticity of a project as big as home construction. Here in the Philippines, legal documents are necessary if you are planning a home construction. 

It is vital that you have the correct paperwork so that you can have no issues in the future, and it also allows you to have a wonderful experience in the building process:

1. A copy of the lot title or lot plan.

The title of the land is proof of the ownership of the owner or the extent of his or her interest, which ensures that he or she may keep power and, as a rule, claim the right to exclusive possession and enjoyment of the property.

Before anything else, you need this documentation to show that you have the right to start construction on that property. It is also essential to contractors because the title of the lot is also the basis for how they can construct the Design plan on the land.

2. Affidavit of consent from the owner or contract of sale

This document is only needed if you are not the owner of the land. You’ll need to acquire a contract of sale or lease from the owner when he or she sells it to you to contact an attorney, this way, the lot can be transferred to your name, and be the legal owner of the lot.

But if you worked with a real estate company, like Presello, through the process of finding a lot or a house and lot bundle, you can take your might off of this thing because we are the ones that will take care of it for you.

3. Tax declaration

The Government of the Philippines would like to make sure that you pay taxes on your land. Seeking a legal person’s help will be the best move in settling this document.

4. Latest tax receipts

The tax declaration will come with the latest text receipts. This will show that you paid your taxes on your house.

5. The owner’s or building permit applicant’s or Community Tax Certificate

Cedula is sometimes referred to as the Community Tax Certificate (CTC). It is a certificate given to persons or businesses on payment of community tax. It is also necessary to register for a new company, to apply for a job, or to file income tax returns. This guide is going to let you on how to get Cedula.

6. Lot survey care of subdivision

This isn’t much of a problem since lot survey is free because you already pay real estate tax and as a return survey of your land or lot by the government is free, it is the government’s duty to survey your land in return for the payment of property tax.

7. Soil exploration or soil bore test

If your project is 3 floors and above, the soil bore test or soil exploration is needed.

8. Barangay clearance

Before starting you officially start the construction, a barangay clearance specific for construction is needed. Your contractor can help you settle this crucial document so make sure to ask for help.

9. Special Power of Attorney

SPA or Special Power of Attorney is needed If the building permit applicant does not stay here in the Philippines.

Find Your Next Home with Presello

We believe that the process of finding your perfect home should not be stressful and frustrating. At Presello, we are a team dedicated to bringing you closer to the paragon home of your dreams.

We will make sure to help you out in sorting out all the legal documents needed for you to have your next home. Our years of experience with various clients with different needs allowed us to be experts in this industry. Contact us now for a consultation about finding or building your next home!