How Much Does It Cost To Hire An Interior Designer?

How Much Does It Cost To Hire An Interior Designer?

For some of us, hiring professionals is a crucial step in projects we want to start. Either you just want opinions or another knowledgeable mind to help you make the right decisions, it is no doubt that getting professionals involved is a good move.

The same thing goes for interior design. Your interior space is a location where you will spend a lot of time in, therefore you will always see. So making sure that it appeals to you is necessary. Having a good interior can actually lift up your mood and make you more productive. It takes skills and years of experience to make sure that the space is perfect when it comes to functionality, safety, and aesthetics.

Though aesthetics is necessary, it isn’t enough that space is just visually appealing. Designing an interior is so much more than that.

If you are just beginning to consider hiring an interior designer, a lot of questions must be on your mind: “How much will it cost me?” “Is it worth it?” “What do they actually do?” Depending on the company you will contact, the cost might differ but here are the typical rates of an interior designer. Before diving into the diverse world of interior design companies, here are all the things you should know.

How much should you pay an Interior Designer?

When it comes to the cost, different factors come into play. Some of these factors are the scope of work, site location, reputation, and client demand. It is important to know these things so you know what to expect and what interior design firm would suit you best.


For projects that are not too complex and do not require much planning, hire an interior designer for consultation only. The usual rates start from P500 to P1,500 per hour. If you don’t want to do installments, the lump sum of the hourly rate can go from P4,500 to P10,000. For projects within Metro Manila, the food and transportation expenses are not included in these rates as well as the accommodation for out of town projects.

Consultation involves the sharing of knowledge of interior designers to you. It will guide you from the scale and proportion to budget management and project management. This service also includes sourcing for furniture, furnishings, and other material and decorative finishes like accent tiles, paint colors, and wallpapers.

Renovations and Repair Work

Perhaps you want to make use of your basement more and turn in in a gym or you want to redo the design of your home office. Repair work and renovation services include the evaluation of interior designers to the existing condition of your site. This evaluation will help the designer determine the scope of their work. Therefore, the design fee will change and adjust to the nature of the work. The cost is at a minimum of P50, 000 per unit or P1, 000 per square meter, plus an additional contingency fee of 10% for unforeseen additional work.

Small Projects

Before consulting a designer, you might want to measure the space of your project site. An area within 75 square meters is considered as a small project. A few of the most common examples of these are condos, clinics, small offices, and rooms. This project is indeed small compared to others but it still entails interior design services. These services include furniture selections, detailed drawings, contractors, engineers, and other necessary documentation.

The designers charge for these kinds of projects usually starts at P500 to P1, 000 per square meter. The minimum overall cost per unit is P50,000.

Why Hire an Interior Designer?

It is normal to have doubts at the beginning especially if this is your first time seeking the help of a professional. It is good to be cautious about how we spend our money. But most importantly, we must make smart decisions. Hiring the right professional can only bring benefits to your site project. In fact, it can even save you money in the long run.

An interior designer adds value to your project in many ways. Here are 3 reasons why you should hire one for yourself.

Best Resources and Contacts

When you hire the right interior designer for your needs, the high-quality materials and satisfying service come in a bundle. They know various vendors and specialists to contact that can be the source of your materials and appliances which offer lower rates and trade discounts. You will avoid extra expenses for decorative materials and furniture. Furthermore, they assist in making sure that every step of the process hits the time schedule.

They Provide Solutions

Having an interior designer for consultation leads you to smart decisions when it comes to using up your space. Usually, you don’t see problems in an area you selected for renovation but when you have one professional on-site, you might discover a smarter way to use up space. The same goes for safety, having a professional opinion on whether the design you envisioned is safe for the area you chose. This can save you from more costly renovations in the future. Interior designers make it easier for you to decide what and where to place something so you don’t have to waste time with trial and error.

Budget Optimization

Something that a lot of people may not realize is that interior designers can actually do good on your overall budget. A good interior designer knows how to provide you with the best result while staying within your budget. They respect the allotted cost that you set and make sure to give you the best on what they can offer you with. They accurately assess each aspect crucial in interior design especially when it comes to quantity and quality.

How to Hire an Interior Designer on a Budget

One thing that I’ve heard quite a lot is hiring an interior designer is meant for wealthy people or big and commercialized projects only. This is a common misconception that might be stopping you from saving more of your time, money, and effort.

To help you understand how to reach quality results within a budget that is guided by the help of a professional interior designer, here are some tips to help you avoid unnecessary expenses.

Know your style and space needs.

Before contacting an interior designer for a possible project, be certain with your ideas and what you want. Have a purpose for your project and focus on achieving that purpose so the designer you hire knows how you want the space to function. This prevents unnecessary decisions and inadequate purchases.

Discuss your style as well. Every single one of us has a different style. You might want a minimalist design, modern or colorful scheme. Whatever it is you desire, having a preference will not only make it easier for your interior designer to achieve your desired result but it will also save you effort and money. If you are struggling with finding your own style try doing these three things:

  • Window Shop
  • Go to Pinterest and look at Magazines
  • Take lots of pictures

These three activities will help you see what you like and what you don’t. Looking at interior design inspirations online and taking a picture of something that appeals to you will help you understand your style more. The more you explore with options the more you’ll realize what you are looking for.

Give honest figures

Being honest with the amount you can spend is necessary if you want to make the experience of hiring an interior designer worth it. When it comes to the cost, give an honest disclosure. This benefits both you and the interior designer. An interior designer can help you determine whether what you want is doable within the allotted budget and they can even give suggestions on how to adjust some elements of the project so the result you want is still achievable.

It is also important to do your research on the current rates in the market for the kind of project you want to start. This will vary depending on the location and demand.

Decrease cost with an interior designer

As mentioned above, hiring an interior designer helps you to efficiently manage the cost you have set. One of the ways they cut back cost is by connecting you with decorating sources and contractors that can offer you discount deals which makes working within a budget easier. This is because they have been in the industry long enough to know the price points of different materials. In this way, you can strategically work with your designer to trim back costs.


Here at Presello, as a real estate firm, we have the pleasure of meeting the best in the industry of interior design in Metro Manila. We know how much they take each project seriously and how well they do it. A great and well-designed interior that matches someone’s style and caters to their needs is everyone’s dream. Having this kind of interior is achievable if you make smart decisions when starting a new project or renovation. The first step in this process is hiring the right professionals for you.

Think of all the long term benefits a professionally designed interior can do for you. Sometimes we get so scared of hiring talent because we are strict on our budget but in truth, it will save you more while it guarantees quality and efficient results.

Presello has  partnered with our trusted interior designer in the country. Book a call with them today