5 Things To Look For In A Real Estate Broker in New Manila, Quezon City

5 Things To Look For In A Real Estate Broker in New Manila, Quezon City

Now that you have decided to acquire your dream home in New Manila and experience the best living it can offer, your next step is to speak with a trusted real estate broker. Real estate brokers are the ones who will assist you in all transactions whether you want to buy or sell certain types of properties.

And with this modern age, where there are plenty of real estate brokers around, the question is, how would you know who’s the most reliable and would give the best service? Here are five things to look for in a real estate broker in New Manila.

1. Look for the license

. First and foremost, you need to validate whether your prospective real estate broker is licensed. According to the Real Estate Service Act of the Philippines (RESA Law), licensed brokers are registered under the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) and the Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board (HLURB).

License availability means security for your property and all the transactions ahead.

In addition, you can also check other credentials such as membership to other organizations like Real Estate Brokers Association of the Philippines (REBAP) and the Chamber of Real Estate and Builders Association (CREBA).

2. Online Presence, Positive Reviews, and Referrals

. Upon validation of their legitimacy, then you should also check their online presence. Check whether they have a professional website where you can see all the details about the company – their story, their listings, or how to contact them via phone or email.

You can also check their clients’ feedback here or on their social media pages. See what their clients are saying with their experience, and watch out for the negative one.

You may also ask referrals from your family, friends or colleagues who are living within your prospect area. Some of them may have already encountered your real estate broker which is one of the most genuine feedback types.

3. Check their Experience and Expertise in the Industry

. Now that you know that they have positive reviews from their clients, the next thing you should check is their capability in handling your case.

Check the tenacity of the company – how many years are they in the industry already. How many clients have they served and how successful they are about it? Surely, their track records would speak.

Also, If you are planning to buy or sell a property in New Manila, then you can check if they have past experiences in handling in that area. If you are specifically into condominiums or vacant lot, then you should look for the real estate broker specializing on the same property.

Check their expertise in the market trends, local establishments, transport and other important things in the area you are eyeing to.

4. Possess Integrity

. A good real estate broker is open to its clients. They are not just selling the property itself, but they are selling themselves too. This means that they are willing to disclose all the information about a certain property, whether it may be positive or negative.

They are realistic, disclose the risks and put theirs on the foot of the buyer or seller. Whether the property is near the faultline, prone to floods inaccessible, and others, they are not hesitant to tell this because they understand how it will go longterm.

Remember that an honest broker is clear and prioritize client goals and objectives. Ask as much as you can and listen to their answers. I’m sure you can personally tell whether it is credible or not.

5. Great Communicator

. A reputable real estate company also establish proper communication. They know how to listen to you and they prompt clearly on what’s necessary.

They commit to your scheduled phone calls or meetings because this tiny thing is an indication of their willingness and respect for you. Every transaction is important, and their dedication to reporting or tracking then progress matters. You can easily identify this in your initial meetings.

Look for a PASSIONATE Real Estate Broker as Well

Above all, you should also check for a passionate real estate broker – a real estate broker who doesn’t just rely on the commission, profit, or the job itself but are willing to assist you and work the extra mile to meet all your needs.

Presello has over 13 years of experience in real estate sales and has already served hundreds of happy and satisfied clients. We are not in the business of selling houses, instead, we’re in the business of providing the best broker service you could find, the service whether you plan to buy your dream home or sell a property from house and lot, commercial, condominiums, townhouses, and apartments.

Check out our current listing, talk to our real estate advisors and let’s see how we can help!